3D Printing Paper Accepted!

A paper from TORL on 3D printed scaffolds was recently accepted!

The paper, first authored by Paul Warren, describes how spaces within the scaffold influence the organization of new matrix made by cells.  This has implications for developing replacements for musculoskeletal tissues, which feature aligned matrix, such as the knee meniscus, ligaments, and tendons.

The paper, entitled “Engineering 3D-Bioplotted scaffolds to induce aligned extracellular matrix deposition for musculoskeletal soft tissue replacement“, was accepted to to Connective Tissue Research.  This project is a result of an ongoing collaboration with Dr. Rohan Shirwaiker in the Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering at NC State and Dr. Jeff Spang in the Department of Orthopeadics at the University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill.  Funding was provided by the Kenan Institute for Engineering, Technology and Science and the North Carolina State University Comparative Medicine Institute.

Congrats All!

Link to article at journal website.

Author: Matthew Fisher

Biomedical Engineering