ACL Orientation paper published in Journal of Orthopaedic Research

A paper from our lab’s research into orientation changes in the cruciate ligaments was recently published in the Journal for Orthopaedic Research.


The paper, first authored by Stephanie Cone, demonstrates that a pig model exhibits the same changes in the angles of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) in the knee relative to the tibial plateau throughout growth as results previously found in human female patients. This has important implications for better understanding pediatric knee growth and injuries going forward.


The article, titled “Orientation changes in the cruciate ligaments of the knee during skeletal growth: A porcine model” results from an ongoing collaboration with Dr. Jorge Piedrahita from the NC State Comparative Medicine Institute, Sean Simpson from the Department of Molecular Biomedical Sciences at NC State,  as well as Dr. Jeff Spang in the Department of Orthopeadics and Dr. Lynn Fordham from the Department of Radiology and at the University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill. Funding was provided by the NCI Cancer Center,


The NC State Bulletin also covered the research in a recent article.

Author: Stephanie Teeter

Biomedical Engineering