Annual Mini Golf Competition

On Friday we held the second annual TORL mini golf extravaganza. Matt was the winner (again) and was handsomely rewarded with a mini glow-in-the-dark Death Star trophy. The loser had to have a Sno Cone flavor chosen by the winner. Matt bequeathed this honor to the runner up mini-golfer, Paul, who made Jay (our gracious loser) have a combination of orchid, spearmint, with a hint of citric acid for tartness. Note that orchid is so bad, that it has been described as “eating potpourri” and is not even on the menu. Special request only. Luckily Jay was a good sport about it. Though he tried to finish out of stubborn pride, he eventually yielded to his protesting taste buds about half way through.


The winner’s circle (of one):


Jay going in for the first bite:


Smiling through the pain. What a sport!


Author: Stephanie Teeter

Biomedical Engineering