Partnership with Exploris

Last year we worked with Annah and Robert’s fourth grade students at Exploris Elementary in downtown Raleigh (read about that here). We had a great time and learned a ton from the students, so when Annah reached out again we jumped at the chance! We once again focused on 3D printing and design, with the students doing an engineering design project designed to address one of five “grand challenges”. We visited their classroom and told them about 3D printing, what it can do, and how we use it in the lab. We also helped them brainstorm some ideas for their challenge and gave them feedback on their prototypes. Today, we got to see the results of their efforts during final pitch presentations. What an amazing group of students and truly inspirational teachers!

See Steph’s tweet about our initial visit here.

And Annah’s tweet about the pitch presentations here.

The students welcomed us with artwork:

The winners with their 3D printed trophies:

Author: Stephanie Teeter

Biomedical Engineering